Helpful articles I read this week.


It seems that we live in a world where conflict is the norm. Dear loved ones are filing for divorce, the workplace isn’t safe. Conflict is becoming part of our standing operating procedures. It is not going away. So how can we learn to resolve conflict and make peace so that the collateral damage isn’t so devastating? How do we learn to nip things in the bud before they become cancerous? Check out these helpful resources:

  • Practicing difficult work conversations is a powerful example of how to improve those conversations that gain traction in getting things done in the whirlwind of competing priorities.

  • Handling issues with a team member. How do you confront without damaging the relationship?

  • How do you move toward the problem when a teammate isn’t pulling their weight?

  • 5 Things I needed to hear this week are great reminders when facing difficult challenges.

  • 10 Books every leader should read. Looking for something to stimulate your thinking? This list is a great place to start.

  • 10 Things the very best leaders do. Sharpen your leadership skills, find a couple of things on this list that you can apply today.

  • Want to improve your public speaking? A Great list of where to start…

  • Leadership phrases can over-simplify reality. Here are a few that need some deeper thinking.


Seven Deadly Thoughts of Leaders


12 Stages of Pastoral Ministry