Inspirational Leadership


Some are leaders by position, some are leaders by birth and some by status. These leaders can manipulate others to get results, carrot and stick. But the best leaders are inspirational leaders, who lead by example, from the core of their being, “who they are” inspires others to follow. Jesus modeled for us this type of leadership. This is why the Disciples left everything to follow Jesus.

People follow inspirational leaders because they “want to,” not because they “have to.”

These are the best coaches in sports and the best bosses in business, where these leaders model a life worth living, not just focusing on a task to accomplish. What characterizes an “inspirational leader?

1. An “inspirational leader” is passionate about lifelong learning. Dissatisfied with the status-quo these leaders refuse to settle for good enough, but actively pursue the highest good for the benefit of others.

2. Inspirational leaders spot potential in others and fan it into flame (1 Timothy 1:6). They bring out the best. They are committed to helping others succeed, providing perspective of what can be, in Christ, and how they can make a Kingdom impact. Unlocking the latent potential in people is a primary focus.

3. Inspirational leaders are not easily discouraged.

“Discourage” means “lack of courage”

These pioneers have courage coming out of their pores as they face insurmountable odds with deep-seated faith. Without struggle, there is no need for faith. The bigger the struggle, the bigger the need for inspiring faith.4. Inspirational leaders take initiative.They don’t wait, they step out by faith, they trust God as they move toward God given goals. This character is illustrated the life of Jonathan, the son of King Saul. He took initiative to pick a fight with the Philistines. (1 Samuel 14:6) He went on the offensive. The best way to pick a fight is to start on our knees. Prayer is picking a fight with our ultimate enemy. It’s spiritual warfare. Prayer isn’t preparation for the fight, it is the necessary step before taking a stand. We do our part and God will do His part.

Dale Carnegie says, “Live in day-tight compartments. Don’t stew about the futures. Just live each day until bedtime.”

If it’s the right thing, the results are God’s responsibility.5. Inspirational leaders take risks.

C.T. Studds said, “The gamblers for gold are many but the gamblers for God are few.”

6. Inspirational leaders are humble. They don’t take themselves too seriously. They use their authority to edify, build others up.

It is not about them.

7. An inspirational leader endures under pressure. When knocked down, they begin-again.

Setbacks are only speed-bumps on the road to glory.

8. An inspirational leader is driven by passion.

As Simon Sinek writes, “Start with the Why.” Great leaders inspire to action. Don’t doubt in the darkness what God has shown you in the light. When you lose motivation, your “Why” isn’t strong enough. What are you going to do with this one short dash of life that God has entrusted to you? Why has He put you on this planet? You will only be fulfilled when you sense that you living out God’s higher purpose. You have a higher purpose, like David, that you need to accomplish.

Acts 13:36 (NIV) “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep..."

We only have a few years to do what God desires and we will have all of eternity to talk about it.Are you and inspiring leader?What am I missing that inspires you?

Stan Lubeck

Pastor Stan Lubeck and his wife, Robin, have served in ministry for over 40 years. He has built teams and equipped leaders in every setting, in small churches and large, in the US, and on foreign soil. If you desire to make more and better followers of Jesus, Stan has the experience and proven resources that can help you take your ministry or business to the next level. Stan is currently functioning as the virtual Executive Pastor at one church while coaching business leaders and missionaries.

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